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Filtration For an optimally functioning and clear aquarium, filtration is one of the most important points. The filter is usually divided into different filter compartments, each containing a specific filter mass. The filter mass is important so that the bacteria can settle in the filter. We distinguish four types of filters: Biologist, Sump, external outside filter and the filter in the aquarium (internal). A biologist or sump are filters that are placed under the aquarium or in another space.

A sump is named for a marine aquarium and a biologist for a freshwater aquarium. A biologist is a biological filter and is based on the ability of positive bacteria that are responsible for removing negative bacteria.

A biologist is divided into different compartments and equipped with a perforated plate to keep the filter mass in place. When the water has been filtered through the different compartments, the water is pumped back into the aquarium. You can also incorporate technology such as: heaters, pumps and digital meters into the biologist. The ratio of aquarium water capacity to filter is 20% of the aquarium volume. A sump is the central point for the filtration of a seawater aquarium. It is a very important part for a well-functioning aquarium. In a seawater aquarium it is important that you have enough water volume to obtain stable water values. It is important that you do not place a lot of filter mass in the sump, after a while you will create "nitrate factories" (accumulation of waste products).

The best method is to place a pre-filter in the sump (filter fleece pre-filter), then some live rock so that the bacteria can settle in the sump. And a well-functioning protein skimmer that can quickly filter the entire contents of the aquarium. Finally, a powerful feed pump that pumps the water back into the aquarium.

All the different filter systems that we can offer you.

For a freshwater aquarium.


For the best filtration in the aquarium. Large volume filter mass, plenty of space for technology. Recommended for aquariums > 350 litres.

Overflow necessary!

Internal filter

Ideal for aquariums <350 litres. Sufficient volume for filter media (custom-made filters) Space to hide all the technology.

External filter

Ideal for aquariums <350 litres. Sufficient volume for filter media.

For a seawater aquarium.


De oplossing voor een goed functionerend zeewater aquarium. Extra buffer volume, plaats voor alle techniek. Volledig op maat verkrijgbaar.

Overloop noodzakelijk!

Interne sump

Achterliggende filter waarin alle techniek verwerkt is. Ideaal voor kleine nano zeeaquaria (volume max 100 liter)

Above you can see why glass filter baffles are necessary in a biologist or sump. With this we separate the different chambers from each other with varying water heights.



We have been specialized in building exclusive and sustainable custom aquariums, furniture and filter systems since 1991. You can find all our assets here . Did you know that we now also have an online price configuration so that you can calculate the price yourself? We would certainly like to invite you to our showroom to discuss all your wishes! You are most welcome by appointment . Watch our new company film now. Please note: we do not sell livestock in our store.

Opening hours:

MONDAY: 08.00h - 17.00h

TUESDAY: 08.00h - 17.00h

WEDNESDAY: 08.00h - 17.00h

THURSDAY: 08.00h - 17.00h

FRIDAY: 08.00h - 16.00h


Sunday: CLOSED

Contact details




Tel. +32 11 64 79 86


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